New cat must see! Junjie teaches you 8 points for attention in cat breeding!

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It's said that "the rich raise cats and the poor raise dogs". It sounds like the rich raise cats and the poor raise dogs. In fact, this sentence is because cats are fragile among pets. If they are not raised properly, it may affect the growth and development of cats or make cats sick, or even cause some zoonoses. Therefore, it is very important to raise and manage cats well. Let's take you to know what we need to pay attention to when raising cats.

1. Choose the right cat food

Cats are pure carnivores. They like to eat fishy food, such as fish, meat and so on. Their demand for protein is three times that of dogs and six times that of humans. When the protein intake is insufficient, cats may experience many health problems. Therefore, in the feeding of cats, it is more necessary to choose low-fat and high-protein cat food. If you don't know how to choose the right cat food, you can try Junjie's non grain and multi meat cat food. You can only choose the original meat source. There are 70% fresh meat alone. Salmon, Spanish mackerel, COD and chicken are all cats' favorite foods, with up to 40% protein. It also contains 10% of the imported deep-sea fish oil, rich in DHA, EPA Ω- 3 is an essential nutrient for cat growth, which can protect brain and heart development, nourish healthy fur and protect joints.

2. Vaccinate regularly

Infectious diseases do the most serious harm to the health of cats, so the immune health care of cats is the focus of daily health management. Feline triad is used to prevent feline panleukopenia (feline plague), feline nose bronchus and feline calicivirus. The first immunization should be over 2 months old, and the interval of each immunization should be 4 weeks.

3. Regular deworming

Don't think that if cats stay indoors for a long time, they don't need to expel insects. There are many kinds of parasites inside and outside pets, such as mites, protozoa and insects. Although internal and external parasites may not cause parasitic diseases, they can affect or even seriously hinder their growth and development.

4. Pay more attention to the state of eyes, ears and claws

The cat's eyes, ears and claws can directly show the cat's health. Healthy cat's eyes should be bright, clear and bright, and the canthus and eyelids should be clean. When the cat's health is not good, more performance for shy tears, conjunctival congestion, afraid of light. Healthy cats also have a small amount of earwax in their ears, which needs cleaning. The claws of family cats should be trimmed frequently to prevent cats from scratching people or breaking clothes.

5. Comb hair frequently

For the hair ball problem, the most effective method is to comb the hair frequently. Cats have the habit of licking their hair. Because the surface of the cat's tongue is very rough, like a brush, if the owner often combs the cat's hair, the hair that has been taken off can be removed in time to prevent the cat from swallowing too much hair and forming hairball disease. In addition, often combing the cat's hair can also maintain the beauty of the coat, promote the blood circulation of the skin, and is conducive to the healthy growth of the cat.

6. Take a bath regularly

In fact, cats can bathe regularly, but not too often. Bathing can wash away the dirt of the fur and prevent the occurrence of some skin diseases. Let the cat develop the habit of bathing. The water temperature should not be too high when bathing, and it should not be too hot; Washing and care products should be neutral or weak alkaline. Should not use too much irritation, so as not to stimulate the skin. Take a bath quickly. After washing, immediately dry it with a water absorbent towel. Dry it with a drying oven or a hair dryer to prevent colds. Generally, bathing is not recommended for cats under 5 months of age, and cats over 6 months of age are not allowed to overwork. 1-2 times a month is appropriate.

7. Keep good temperature and humidity

Cat is a kind of animal that is afraid of heat and likes to be warm. It has certain resistance to cold, because there are no sweat glands on the cat's body surface, so the body heat is not easy to discharge. In particular, some long haired cats are not easy to lose body heat. Environmental temperature 20-26 ℃, humidity 50% is the most appropriate, temperature over 36 ℃ can affect the cat's appetite, physical decline, easy to induce disease, so to maintain a good temperature and humidity.

8. Cat utensils should be disinfected regularly

Although cats have a certain self-cleaning ability compared with dogs, it is suggested that cats should be disinfected regularly. The cat nest and toy cat litter basin should be cleaned and disinfected regularly to prevent the occurrence of diseases. The cat nest should be exposed to the sun and disinfected by ultraviolet rays in the sun. In addition, the environment can be disinfected regularly with disinfectants. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the ventilation of the environmental sanitation in the home. Generally, the cat in the family has a limited range of activities. The cat and the owner live in the same environment. Keeping the room clean is good for maintaining the health of the cat and the owner. Cats should excrete every day, and choose a good litter with low dust mass. It's better to clean the litter in time. It's best to put the litter basin in a ventilated and dry place. Don't put it in a wet place. It's easy to breed bacteria.